Saturday, February 12, 2011

My 11 Favorite Broadway Musicals (plus 11 more) -- New Post on Booth Reviews

Please click here or on the image at right to view my ranking of favorite musicals, which I've written for  the Booth Reviews blog housed on Chicago

If you wish to Comment, please do so on the Booth Reviews post.



  1. I have not seen your #1, but I love the non-musical movie.

    Just saw "Les Mis", which is definitely in my top 5 all-time. This production had a few issues, though (my review will be up later this week in all likelihood).

    My main issue is you having "Sunday in the Park with George" ahead of "Sweeney Todd". I like the former, but there's too much talking and not enough singing in it (though the songs are astonishing). "Sweeney" would probably be my #1, by the way.

  2. Oh, sorry. I missed that last part. I will repost my comment as soon as possible on the other blog. Sorry!

  3. No worries, G, I'm just glad someone is reading it somewhere. I think Sunday over Sweeney is a case where "my favorite" trumps "the best." Sweeney is probably a greater masterwork in sum, but as a big fan of Seurat, Sondheim's take has always had added fascination.

    Don't know if you saw my Les Mis review this week; I agree with the "few issues" comment.

  4. Okay, it's up there. I had to add an extra zero to my screen name in order to register, but there you go.

    And I did see your review. I actually think 4.5/5 is a little generous. I'd go with 4, if I was using your grading scale.
